The Truth Behind COVID-19 Preview - CraveBooks

The Truth Behind COVID-19 Preview

By Mack "Cordell" Moore

$7.50 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

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The Truth Behind COVID-19 Preview

Did China pass a vaccine law before the pandemic?

Are the reports on COVID-19 accurate?

Are vaccines safe?

Is COVID the real threat?

Find out the answers to these questions and more in...The Truth Behind COVID-19 Preview. This book questions the narrative in regards to the reports on the pandemic. It also eases fears and worries we have about COVID. It will expose the truth behind the COVID-19 pandemic. This is however a preview of the more detailed and explosive version coming later in 2021! Find out what they've been hiding from us!

The eBook is $1.99 and available @ Lulu Press. Click link below!

The Truth Behind COVID-19 Preview

Digital Books

ASIN: bdsgs

Book Length: 0-60 Pages