30 Human Science Masterpieces You Must Read Before... - CraveBooks

30 Human Science Masterpieces You Must Read Before You Die

By Sigmund Freud

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Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions [Edwin Abbott Abbott]
The Complete Aristotle [Aristotle]
The Art of Public Speaking [Dale Breckenridge Carnegie]
Eugenics and Other Evils [Gilbert Keith Chesterton]
Discourse on the Method [René Descartes]
The Golden Sayings of Epictetus [Epictetus]
Dream Psychology [Sigmund Freud]
Siddhartha [Hermann Hesse]
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion [David Hume]
Tao Te Ching [Laozi]
Fantasia of the Unconscious [David Herbert Lawrence]
The Art of War [Niccolò Machiavelli]
The Prince [Niccolò Machiavelli]
On Liberty [John Stuart Mill]
Utilitarianism [John Stuart Mill]
The Book of Five Rings [Musashi Miyamoto]
Utopia [Thomas More]
Thoughts are Things [Prentice Mulford]
Thus Spake Zarathustra [Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche]
Beyond Good and Evil [Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche]
The Antichrist par Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche]
Pantheism Its Story and Significance [J. Allanson Picton]
The Complete Plato [Plato]
Proposed Roads to Freedom [Bertrand Russell]
The Problems of Philosophy [Bertrand Russell]
Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays [Bertrand Russell]
The Art of War [Sun Tzu]
The Kama Sutra [Vatsyayana]
Candide [Voltaire]
A Modern Utopia [H. G. Wells]

ASIN: B0837T5SD4

Book Length: 650+ Pages


Sigmund Freud

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