Always Worthy - CraveBooks

Always Worthy

By Dr. Emy Tafelski

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
If you've ever woken up not knowing who you were and wondered how to figure it out, this book's for you.

When my mom died, I expected to grieve, to be sad, even to keen a bit. I didn't expect it to shatter everything I thought I knew about myself and my relationship with her. I didn't know it would catalyze me into a journey of discovery, of distilling all the parts of me down to what was truly me and releasing those things that weren't mine to carry. Things like messaging about my worth that came from patriarchy, messaging about who I am that came from my mom and her trauma, and behaviors I created to keep myself safe following my trauma. I definitely didn't know this journey would bring me home to authenticity and wholeness and a rock-solid worthiness that I never knew was missing. This book shares my healing journey from shattered to whole. It's the story of how I lost my mom and found my worth.

How would your life be different if you could identify and release the unconscious threads that aren't true to who you are? What would it feel like to reclaim those parts of you that you had to cut off to be deemed worthy? Buy and read this book and superimpose your story over mine because you deserve to know what healing can feel like.


Book Length: 60-150 Pages


Dr. Emy Tafelski

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