How to Melt Body Fat Without Diets or Gyms - CraveBooks

How to Melt Body Fat Without Diets or Gyms

By Adam Grayston

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Are you ready to recharge your confidence and rekindle your youth?

Are you sick and tired of wearing baggy clothes and avoiding the mirror?

Do you always put everyone else’s needs before your own?

You might be reading this, having tried every diet and fad under the sun

You might be snowed under with work, thinking you haven’t got time for yourself to lose weight and be healthier

Maybe you already know that you’re the queen of excuses, saying you’ll “start on Monday”...again

Sometimes you have a burst of motivation to lose weight and eat better, within a day or two, it vanishes, and you’re back to skipping meals and cracking open the wine when you get home...whilst you check emails

Feels like Groundhog Day, going round in the same circle, gaining weight, losing weight, feeling better, feeling crap

Always wondering how friends and colleagues at work find time to exercise and stay in shape, secretly wishing that was you...

If so, I get it, I know it’s not been easy for you

But how long can it go on for before you eventually crack?

Maybe you’ve already hit a low point and you know it’s time to do something about it before it gets worse

Maybe you’re ready to stop hiding behind black clothes and baggy jumpers

If that’s you, I have an opportunity for you, very little commitment, not much energy or time needed at all

Soon after joining the health and fitness industry, Adam realized that most women didn’t need to slave away in the gym or sign up to another fad diet to try and lose weight, what they needed was support, guidance, accountability and an easy to implement plan to reach their weight loss goals and keep it off long term.

Adam brings 10 years of transforming the bodies and mindsets of hundreds of busy women around the world into his brand-new book where you will discover:

An easy way to build healthy, long-term habits whilst still enjoying your life

Simple steps to rekindle your youth and undo the damage from yo-yo diets

Small changes to recharge and repair your confidence

A proven way to melt body fat for good, even if you’re short on time

It's time to put you back in control, this book will break you free from dieting and give you the tools you need to become leaner, healthier and happier long term.


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 60-150 Pages

Adam Grayston

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