Billion Dollar Sales Secrets: Superstar Selling Ti... - CraveBooks

Billion Dollar Sales Secrets: Superstar Selling Tips for all Seasons

By Joe Paranteau

$9.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Develop the mindset, strategies, and skills that will make you unstoppable in sales!

 You will learn advanced tactics, techniques, and the mindset to achieve accurate results. Are you ready for the wealth, respect, and influence everyone would LOVE to have? 

This book is more than a sales or business book; it's filled with valuable insights. Joe Paranteau is an elite salesperson who generated over a BILLION dollars in revenue - in five years. Today he is a leading expert on sales performance who shares his knowledge with sellers of all types.

In this book, he's sharing so many great tips and ideas to help you CRUSH IT!

Regardless if you're in real estate or B2B sales… or selling ANY product. Prepare to take a valuable look inside the mind of an elite salesperson who's had more than 30,000 sales meetings.

This is a rare look into how to achieve sales success. And it's NOT something you want to miss!

Joe guides readers on a journey, offering invaluable lessons earned over thirty years. Here's a taste of what you're about to discover:

✔ The essential human trait that will skyrocket your sales overnight once you adopt it. (It will improve customer relations and bring you massive returns fast.) (page 28)

✔ Three concrete ways to improve yourself RIGHT NOW. (Yes, you can put in place these anywhere at any time, and they will bring top performance.) (Chapter 1)

✔ The 'Seven P's' formula that will DEMOLISH fear as a salesperson (Page 47)

✔ The Nine Superstar Traits to rise and win (Chapter 3)

✔ How to become an oak tree. Become impervious to rejection and flip the script on your biases and win big.

✔ How to GET THINGS DONE when you have no energy left. (This is how master salespeople amass wealth and power.)

✔ Practical tools to conquer doubt and bad days. Smash through any boundaries and turn a bad day into pure gold. (Page 55)

✔ The ENTIRE sales process Joe uses. From developing the sales funnel to preparation, delivery, and closing the deal, everything is here!

✔ The most unpredictable aspect of your sale (and how to manage it and get unlimited referrals)

✔ The 'people magnet' formula that will turn strangers into customers. You'll know what to say and when to say it. (pages 35-38)

✔ 'No B.S.' ways to put yourself in your customers' shoes, gain their trust and undivided attention, and win the sale.

✔ What you say when you're not talking. Overlooked aspects of sub-communications that are ruining your sales.

✔ How to bust through plateaus and demolish stagnation.

✔ How to unleash the power of storytelling

And more…

Get the book now!

From the Inside Flap

"You may doubt a book can change your selling career, and that's why we start with you. Change comes from within. You need to focus on your mindset to lay the foundations for lasting change."-- from Billion Dollar Sales Secrets

You see, what Joe has put in this book is incredibly valuable. The techniques and tactics to get what you want in the business world are priceless in their own right.

But he wanted this to be more than another 'book about sales'. He wanted it to be a catalyst of actual change for whoever lays their eyes upon it.

These proven techniques have been tested on the 'sales battleground' with real customers. It's the real deal.

But most importantly, take advantage of the mindsets and insights Joe is sharing in this book.

The book's first few chapters help you lay a strong foundation for your entire life as a salesperson.

You will internalize what you read because Joe offers thoughtful checkpoints to help. You will make it real for you!

The techniques will become ingrained in your subconscious. You'll apply everything in such a seamless fashion that you might even surprise yourself! That's how good you can become when you build a proper foundation.

This is the reason Joe started his book with you in mind... Your psychology, your mindset. Before you can have help, anyone, you have to have control over yourself.

It doesn't matter if you're a newbie to the game or a seasoned pro with plenty of experience. Billion Dollar Sales Secrets is full off golden tips for business and life. It is rich, covering the intricacies of selling in a way no book has ever done. And its ready for you to start building your success story today.
Nook apple Indie Bound




Book Length: 150-320 Pages