Rescuing Lacey - CraveBooks

Rescuing Lacey

By Rebecca Heflin

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

climate isn’t the only thing in Costa Rica that’s hot.

Lacey Sommers finds herself in the rainforests of Costa Rica in a
last-ditch effort to save her job with a nature magazine. Her mission:
photograph the endangered frogs of Central America. Not exactly a plum
assignment for a photojournalist who’s covered two wars in the Middle East, and
Lacey arrives with a chip on her shoulders and something to prove. But she is
still haunted by a photo assignment that almost got her killed and left her
with a scar that serves as a constant reminder.

Luke Hancock has been hired as the
guide, driver, and pilot for a female nature photographer, and with a name like
Lacey, she’s bound to be a delicate diva. But her name, and all it implies,
doesn’t fit the woman he picks up at the airport. Tall, tanned, and muscular,
no one could accuse Lacey of being delicate. Even so, Luke recognizes the pain
and fear buried beneath her tough exterior, because he too hides his own
emotional scars, but beneath a devil-may-care façade.

The sexual spark between them is immediate, but it doesn’t
take long for their mutual attraction to descend into mutual dislike. One thing
is for sure, spending two months in almost-constant company will either further
ignite their animosity . . . or their passions.

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ISBN: 9781735055176

Book Length: 150-320 Pages