Bragg's Truth: a small town second chance romantic... - CraveBooks

Bragg's Truth: a small town second chance romantic comedy (The Bragg Brothers Book 1)

By D.E. Haggerty

$3.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Riley thinks he can just show up in Winter Falls and I’ll jump straight into his arms excited he’s returned to me. Mr. Can’t Answer His Phone For Three Months is more likely to get a slap in the face.

My dream of running my own restaurant is finally coming true. Nothing can stop me now. So what if my contractor up and quit and my handyman needs a break? I got this.

But then the pipes in the diner break.

Of freaking course, that’s the moment Riley shows up. He looks like an advertisement for the 
Sexy Handyman Weekly with his plaid shirt open to reveal all those hard muscles while I’m covered in toilet water.

Riley needs to turn his tight behind right back around and leave, because I’m not falling into his trap again. I may have gazed into his ocean-blue eyes and fallen instantly in love before, but I know better now. He has no staying power.

I don’t care how many crazy stunts the busybodies of my quirky hometown pull. They can’t convince me to give him a second chance. I’m sticking to my decision no matter how much I long for the comfort of Riley’s arms.

But when he reveals the reason he left me, I start to wonder….

Maybe Riley does deserve another chance.


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 150-320 Pages