It Was Never Meant to Be - CraveBooks

It Was Never Meant to Be

By Rachel K. Stone

$6.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Note to self … never fall in love with two brothers.
Book 2 In the “Forbidden Temptations” Series
Note to self … never fall in love with two brothers.

In my opinion, love is overrated but downright wet and hot when sparks fly. Falling in love with two brothers was not my plan, but I did not avoid or stop it. I let things happen as they may. In my defense, I was not with the brothers at the same time. But regardless, that was short-lived once they found out I dated both of them.

Ben and Liam are both attractive and above average in size, if you get my meaning. Liam is a military boy, muscular, wild, and strong. Ben is the more conservative type. Muscular, brainy, educated, with money. I love them both, but now I must decide what and who I want.
If I can make one wish, it will be for destiny to play me a different hand in life, because the one I play with right now is full of pain and drama. Love is not easy, and my choices now will come with regrets, no matter what I do.
Things get wet and steamy in this drama-filled romance. It’s a page-turner that will keep you guessing until the last page. No cheating, no cliffhanger. And an ending that will be hard to forget.
apple Rachel's Books

Paperback Books


Book Length: 320-650 Pages

Rachel K. Stone

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