Forgotten Faces (Mail Order Bride Western Romance) - CraveBooks

Forgotten Faces (Mail Order Bride Western Romance)

By Florence Linnington

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Sarah Smith is a woman out of options. So she turns to being a mail order bride.

When a small town welcomes Sarah into its midst, she realizes that her hopes for a happy and normal life are far out of reach.

discovers that she has a serious condition: face blindness. She finds
it hard to recognize anyone, and her condition is driving her far from
those she loves.

Sarah’s adversity is further tested when she
gets to know her husband-to-be Stephen Tyler, a pastor expecting
perfection out of himself. When they got married, Stephen realizes that
his hope for a harmonious lifestyle may turn into just a dream.

happens when Sarah and Stephen join together in union, with one unable
to recognize anyone and the other seeking perfection?

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FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 320-650 Pages