Bottle Born Blues - CraveBooks

Bottle Born Blues

By Conor H. Carton

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Shakbout Mansard is a lifeform with a lot of problems, some of them may prove to be fatal. Shakbout has accidently found out about a conspiracy against the ruling Standing Committee. After being placed as an unwilling mole in an election campaign Shakbout encounters the most dangerous terrorist in the Inhabited Systems. The terrorist has a plan to create a civil war between natural born and bottle born across the Inhabited Systems. This plan includes forcing Shakbout to commit a crime that will launch the war.

While trying to find a way to survive these problems, Shakbout realizes the secret that  has been running from for ten years is about to be revealed. This secret could lead to the destruction of the Inhabited Systems. Now Shakbout is faced with the choice he has been running from, act to save those he loves or act to save everyone else. Time has run out.

Digital Books


Book Length: 320-650 Pages

Conor H. Carton