Amaya's Legacy Book One An Alien Affair - CraveBooks

Amaya's Legacy Book One An Alien Affair

By Fiona Forbes

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
If you love exploring alien civilizations through Gene Roddenberry’s “Star Trek” series and the passionate romance in “Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon, it’s time to enjoy An Alien Affair, Book One in the Amaya’s Legacy series!
Zhan, the charismatic alien director of Earth’s largest re-education center, seeks the help of a human free of the mind control inflicted on Earth by his government. If his people lose Earth’s support the Inter-Galactic Federation will fall to a bloodthirsty enemy. Zhan’s only prospect, Lee, is furious at the invasion of Earth and friendly as a lethal tezzan-thorn from Zhan’s home planet. Worse, she hosts a dormant energy symbiont probably planted by his enemies.
When their fiery relationship activates Lee’s symbiont, Zhan must seek enlightenment in the legends of his own tribal ancestors. But will Zhan and Lee live long enough to unravel a mysterious prophecy that could save them all? Suspense builds as a ruthless rebel movement swears to destroy Earth’s overlords — starting with Zhan!
This book is the first of a thrilling sci-fi series rich in Intergalactic intrigue, alien legend, and timeless love.


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Book Length: 320-650 Pages