Dreams of Winter - CraveBooks

Dreams of Winter

By Christian Warren Freed

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Welcome to the universe of the forgotten gods, a thrilling space fantasy series and your next favorite read!

The gods have been dead for 3000 years, but they are not forgotten.

Senior Inquisitor Breed is dedicated to stamping out heresy wherever he finds it, but he finds himself at the center of a budding conspiracy when the Inquisitor General assigns him to investigate the escape of one of history’s greatest threats. In a universe of lies and secrets, Breed must discover the truth before dark forces strike at the heart of all men hold dear. But will he be too late? Dreams of Winter by author Christian Warren Freed marks the first must-read volume of the Forgotten Gods Saga.

Perfect for fans of Erikson, Weber, Herbert, and Martin, readers who enjoyed these authors will be captivated by the epic journey of Dreams of Winter. Buy your copy now and embark on a journey of mystery, suspense, and intrigue.

ASIN: B0794D68MX

ISBN: 978-0578645858

FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 320-650 Pages


Christian Warren Freed

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