Oliver the Osprey - CraveBooks

Oliver the Osprey

By Ron Zera

$9.95 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
There is a little bit of Oliver in all of us. Meet Oliver, an Osprey who frequents three ponds in Deer Valley. His devotion to his family – wife Mylea and daughters Stella and Emmeline - is unwavering. Yet, amidst his soaring flights, Oliver longs for human connection. Becket and Declan, two nature loving boys whose joy and energy catch Oliver’s eye. In a courageous move, Oliver reaches out to then, seeking friendship beyond the bounds of his avian world. Becket and Declan are not only receptive but enthusiastic about building a relationship with Oliver and his family. Together they set the example for others and a legacy of living in harmony.
Digital Books


Book Length: 0-60 Pages

Ron Zera

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