Time-Travel Tales Book 8 - Australia 1879-80: hist... - CraveBooks

Time-Travel Tales Book 8 - Australia 1879-80: historical Romance Short Story


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A Cliff-Edge Confrontation Changes Everything!
On board the ship to the 1879 Sydney and Melbourne 1880 Expos, our hero and heroine meet Robert and Jane. Discussing issues on women's rights sparks tension and a clash with Robert's traditional values. Yet Jed has a hint that something else is amiss.
While our intrepid duo excitedly move forward with their part in the expo, little do they know a dark plot is unfolding. Counter-agents are set on sabotaging the Expo, coming up with some very creative ideas! The targets? Jed and his love. As the danger escalates, Robert becomes an unwitting pawn, leading to a cliff-edge confrontation that will change everything.
Using all his skills, Jed averts disaster, saving the Expo but leaving unfortunate consequences.
Will Jed confront his feelings and declare his love? Will he be forced to return to Venus, never to work on Earth again?


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 60-150 Pages


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