Bit By Bit - CraveBooks

Bit By Bit

By MD Hanley

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Bit by Bit is a techno crime thriller that tells the story of Gary McKeown, a genius inventor and adventurer, who is betrayed by his business partner, Roger Tillson, who wants him dead. Roger is hiding a sinister secret: he is behind a massive bitcoin fraud and intellectual property theft that could ruin the tech industry. Gary finds out the truth and becomes a target for assassination. On a diving trip in Australia, he is attacked by a hired killer who tampers with his scuba gear and puts him in a coma. He wakes up three years later, with no memory of his past or his enemies. He teams up with his sister Lucy and his faithful friends to track down the killer and expose Roger’s crimes. But he soon realizes that he is still in mortal danger, as the killer is following his every move across the world. He also learns that Roger is part of a bigger conspiracy that involves corporate espionage and corruption. Can Gary stop the killer and bring Roger to justice before it’s too late? Bit by Bit is a captivating and suspenseful mystery that will keep you turning the pages until the very end.
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Book Length: 320-650 Pages