Paradise Gone: A Will Harper Florida Thriller (Wil... - CraveBooks

Paradise Gone: A Will Harper Florida Thriller (Will Harper Mystery Series Book 8)

By David Crosby

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Unleash into the heart of Florida's wild side with "Paradise Gone"! Join hard-hitting journalist Will Harper as he navigates the treacherous waters of overdevelopment, deadly poachers, and a teenage tornado on his once-peaceful trawler. A missing assistant, a mother black bear's tragic fate, and a relentless poacher set the stage for an action-packed, gritty adventure. Can Will untangle the mysteries of disappearing wildlife and his girlfriend's rebellious daughter while saving Florida's culture? Dive into this thrilling mystery that echoes the classics, a must-read for fans of Wayne Stinnett, Dawn Lee McKenna, and Christine Kling. Will Harper: where investigative journalism meets heart-stopping action!
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Book Length: 150-320 Pages