The Boyfriend Loophole - CraveBooks

The Boyfriend Loophole

By Danielle Stewart

$3.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Charlize has been called home as her mother begins to succumb to a long illness. Reluctantly taking a step back from her role in private security with the Kinross organization, Charlize resumes her role as a detective, armed with a badge and a determination to still make a difference in this world.

Amidst the challenges of settling into a small-town police precinct, she stumbles upon a mysterious case. A baffling disappearance that local authorities dismiss as attention-seeking antics. Charlize's instincts, however, tell her there's more to the story. Especially when digging she discovers multiple cases in the state with the same haunting details.

"The Boyfriend Loophole" is a gripping tale where chasing down evil might lead Charlize to her own reflection in the mirror. Every code she's lived by becomes irrelevant and she crosses a line she knows she won't be able to come back from."


Book Length: 150-320 Pages


Danielle Stewart

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