Deadly Secrets - CraveBooks

Deadly Secrets

By Rose Majors

$0.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
A woman has been abducted from Emerald Island. What horrors await as she is dragged into a boat and disappears into the cloudy sea?
Everyone is having fun at the 4th of July festival on the island. Then terror strikes.
Larrisa Campbell, the organizer of the festival, is abducted and carried off in a boat by a hooded man.
Agent Kitty and Kia immediately run to help her, but it is too late.
Only Larissa’s voice could be heard calling for her daughter, Michelle, as the boat sped away.
Kitty’s new assignment is to find Larissa and apprehend the kidnappers.
She suspected that Larissa’s history with two jailed criminals, one of whom had been released that same day, may be part of the crime.
Michelle was grieving and hysterical. She would do anything to get her mother back.
Kitty told her to wait for a ransom call to know what the kidnapper wanted.
And, just at that moment, the phone rings…


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 150-320 Pages

Rose Majors

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