
Who and how can author communicate with readers?

Only Gold and Platinum members have the privilege to communicate with readers through our platform.

Communication with readers can be achieved via two methods:

Dashboard Notification: Once logged in, you can send out notifications to your readers directly from your dashboard.

Email Notification: You can send out email notifications that will be directly delivered to your followers' email inboxes.

Here are the steps:

  1. Log into your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the left menu and select "Communicate to reader."
  3. You'll be presented with two communication options: by notification or by email.
  4. Choose your preferred method and send your message.
  5. After dispatching the notification or email, you can monitor the statistics to see its reach and effectiveness.

The limitations depend on your membership tier:

  • Gold Members: Allowed to send 1 email and 1 notification.
  • Platinum Members: Permitted to send 2 emails and 2 notifications.

Our platform offers analytics where you can check the open rate and read status of the emails and notifications you've sent.