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Eric Boynton

Member Since: 03/2022


Eric J Boynton suffered poor health and struggled with weight troubles before waking up one day and deciding it was time for a change. As a father with a young child, the importance of health became consuming as the desire to watch his son grow and experience life made him take stock of his health. And the prognosis wasn’t good; he was on the fast track for early death due to daily medications, health troubles, and weight problems. 

Eric began to research and learn everything he could about the subject and learned astonishing truths about health and wellness over the years. Now, he no longer takes medications, no longer struggles with his weight or health, and enjoys watching his son grow, thrive, and bond with nature. Over the last seven years, he’s helped countless people achieve their own health goals, from attaining their desired shape to curing their illnesses without harmful medications. As an author, he hopes to reach people worldwide and encourage them to take their health into their own hands.