Jalal Cyrus Libertine | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Jalal Cyrus Libertine

Member Since: 12/2024


My name is Jalal Cyrus Libertine (JCL), and I am best for writing highly creative, erotic, entertaining short and long romance novels. I am happy to announce that I am the author of more than a dozen erotica books. When you begin reading my books, I take your hand and transcend you to various passionate worlds where all your dormant, hidden innermost desires quickly come to life before your eyes on the pages of my books. When I began taking creative writing courses, I had no idea I would end up falling in love with creative erotica as a new author. I read more than two hundred erotic books to familiarize myself with the alluring world of this spicy genre. The more I read steamy romance books, the more I knew I would love to be an erotic author. I enjoy writing in English and adding passionate settings and scenes to every chapter of my books. I have written a highly massive wide array of erotic stories about sexy exciting Alpha females and males, time travel, female vampires, work fantasies, passionate adventures while working abroad, shipwrecked travelers, etc. Explore my attractively written erotica world by purchasing my books today! For more information on all my upcoming book launches, please follow me on my two social media pages! Instagram: @jclibertine Twitter: @CyrusJalal Soon, I will announce my website link, too.