
Kelly Kenyon

Member Since: 09/2024


I am a life coach and author from the Pacific Northwest. I love to write tranformational fiction as well as nonfiction. All of it is written with the goal of leaving readers with broader perspective, new insights and fun along the way. I was raised by a feminist mother who actively participated in the Equal Rights Amendment movement, I grew up immersed in the worlds of psychology and personal development. This early exposure sparked a lifelong passion for understanding and challenging societal norms, particularly those affecting women. With many years of experience in the personal development field, I have invested countless hours and resources into personal development education, obtaining certifications in hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and various coaching methodologies. Mywork as an admissions advisor for renowned hypnotists provided me with unique insights into the challenges faced by women across diverse cultures and countries. I also have a background in experiential education, by facilitating on a ropes course with tweens and facilitating at corporate team-building events, I love to create transformative experiences that lead to profound paradigm shifts.