
Scott David Plumlee

Member Since: 02/2025


This happy-go-lucky wordsmith was raised in rural Kansas, bucking hay bales all summer to feed the cows during the winter. Albeit an honest upbringing, he had a deep-seated curiosity that could not be quenched. As a young man, this thirst for knowledge was sated by excelling in academic studies and rebuilding anything he could take apart to understand how it worked. Teenage freedom ignited his wanderlust from coast to coast with the Grateful Dead, which expanded into a university year abroad in the UK.

Inquisitive of ancient mysteries stirred him to explore the Great Pyramids in Egypt, the Mayan Temples of Central America, and Incan Citadels in South America. Along the way, he developed a mobile craft of assembling silver jump rings into geometric chain patterns to be completed with gemstones. Teaching jewelry workshops led to the publishing of a five-book educational series with Potter Craft (RH). When the creative well ran dry, he packed his studio and left home to explore more "must-see" global locations.

The backpacking lifestyle develops a unique mental duality, easily switching from extrovert to introvert. One minute, you're telling dirty jokes in the hostel pub, and the next, you must be content with solitude, eventually learning to be your own best friend. Along this path, he discovered the subtle art of yoga and meditation, which led to a deeper philosophical understanding of how we interact with others in this reality. After touring Southeast Asia, he settled into his adopted home in the Buddhist nation of Thailand.

After visiting over fifty countries, the external wanderlust has diminished, yet the internal mysteries of consciousness continue to expand. Within this sedentary serenity, a new passion for storytelling began to bubble up, and the words started to flow. Commencing with a series of eBooks about cycling across New Zealand, he gradually developed his writing style and authentic voice. Dedicated to fulfilling his novelist aspirations, he has recently published his debut novel, BROKEN TO MARATHON


You can get your copy on Amazon, available as an eBook, paperback, and hardcover at www.amazon.com/dp/B0DQJ4KVGN.
Check out Etsy for an autographed copy of this novel shipped from Thailand at www.davidchain.etsy.com/listing/1839705966.
Curious? You can read the first six chapters on his website at www.travelmagic.world/broken2marathon/#flipbook-df_3178/1/.