Exclusive Interview with Skye Bothma | Insights & Stories on CraveBooks

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Skye Bothma

Member Since: 08/2023


Skye Bothma is terminally single and lives a quiet life in rural New Zealand with a family of furry, fishy and feathered friends – some she adopted and some who adopted her. Born in South Africa, she considers herself a global citizen by effort. As a person with several chronic conditions, she is an advocate for raising awareness and acceptance of neurodiversity, chronic illness and invisible disability issues. She enjoys travel, learning about the world, arts and crafts, gardening and attempting the occasional DIY disaster.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I'm a bit of a hermit, or perhaps reclusive is the better term - I'm the archetypal introvert who prefers my own company and doesn't socialise a lot. That said, my inner world is anything but boring. I have far more interests and hobbies than I have time for. I love arts and crafts but I'm also a TV junkie. So I try to multitask and work on projects while I watch. I particularly enjoy documentaries about unsolved mysteries, cold cases, science, travel and history.

When and why did you start writing books?

I've loved writing ever since childhood. It has always been a form of escape and my way of dealing with life. Writing stories where I was the hero made it easier for me to cope with the schoolyard bullies. Later, writing angst-filled poetry got me through high school, and writing to pen pals from different cultures around the globe broadened my mind and introduced me to the world as a young adult, long before the Internet came along. In my adult years, writing has helped heal heartbreaks and make sense of what it is to be human.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

In 2016 I lost my job due to redundancy and increasing health issues and I decided to see it as an opportunity to do what I always dreamed of doing: write a book.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

In Shooting Stars, Catherine is based heavily on me, so I have a strong bond with her. We share the same social awkwardness, feelings of being unappreciated and unluckiness in love. I also loved creating the character of Jake. He's based on a certain TV actor (readers might guess who) that I have a huge crush on.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Shooting Stars is my first book and I think it will remain one that was the hardest to write, mostly because I was plagued by so much self-doubt. I often gave up for months at a time when I got down with thoughts like 'why bother?', 'no one will read it', 'it's not any good'. But, I persevered and in the end it was worth it. Now that I know I CAN do it, I think the next one will be easier. I hope so, anyway!

Who is your favourite author and book?

I'd say Margaret Atwood is my favourite, because of her style of writing and imaginative imagery.

What book are you reading right now?

Bittersweet by Susan Cain, who I actually met in 2006.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

From life. Like they say, 'write what you know', so I always look to real life to give life to my characters.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Working on crafts and hobbies and spending time in nature.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Yes, I am starting to outline a new novel which will be a mystery/romance/historical book.