Undercutting the Biblical Inspiration and Authorit... - CraveBooks

Undercutting the Biblical Inspiration and Authority Debate: The Hermeneutic of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 in Postmodernism against Black Liberation Theology

By Lilly Zayla

$6.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Postmodern America has recently experienced a contemporary revival of Black Liberation Theology that denies the authority and inspiration of Scripture, influencing the progressive and woke gospels. This book exposes its readers to renowned supporters such as Karl Barth, James Cone, Robert McAfee Brown, and J. Deotis Roberts, providing a rich framework for further conversations.

Black Liberation Theology's concepts have been embraced in American culture via political, social, and economic media capable of bridging the divide between postmodernism and the church. Indeed, the insistence by certain prominent liberation theologians has been so widespread that their proposed theories have become synonymous with biblical truth among specific audiences. However, on the central issue of denying the inspiration and authority of Scripture, specific interpreters within this theological framework have put it at odds with evangelicalism. The argument that Scripture is only "inspired" when God periodically speaks to individuals devalues the propositional revelatory essence of Scripture. The detailed exegesis of 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which argues that its components confirm the traditional idea of the inspiration and authority of Scripture, is foundational to undercutting Black Liberation Theology's challenge. The author presents this contentious topic of debate entertainingly and straightforwardly.
Digital Books


Book Length: 150-320 Pages

Lilly Zayla