10 Things He Thinks During Sex - What Men Think Ab... - CraveBooks

10 Things He Thinks During Sex - What Men Think About Other Than Sex (For His Pleasure Series Book 1)

By Denise Brienne

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Imagine this: You’re in bed with the man of your dreams. He’s doing all the naughty things that make your toes curl and your heart pound. The moment he slides inside you is something you have dreamed of for many months. But when you look up into those gorgeous eyes, he seems a little – distracted? Distant? His body is there but his mind is – elsewhere?

How can that be? Isn’t he just as into this amazing lovemaking as you are?

Here’s the truth: Yes, he’s into it. But he’s also thinking about something else!

The fact is that women are simply wired different than men when it comes to the emotional aspect of sex. You might be completely in the moment and entirely enamored with him. But what puts you “in the moment” is not the same as what HE considered “in the moment.” In fact, you might be very surprised by the wide variety of thoughts that flash through his head even as he is having awesome sex with you.

Thinking about different things during sex isn’t unusual. In fact, you might have done it yourself. Come on, admit it – there have been times when your mind wandered at the most inopportune moment. It doesn’t mean that he’s not into you, and it doesn’t mean that he isn’t enjoying the sex with you. But it does mean that you now have an opportunity!

An opportunity? You bet! When you understand what your man might be thinking during sex, you can help him actually enjoy sex more. So without further ado, let’s talk about what goes through his mind when he closes his eyes or gives you that blank look – and then we’ll talk about how you can use that to your advantage for a happier, healthier sexual relationship.


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Book Length: 0-60 Pages

Denise Brienne

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