The Two Presidents: An Alt-History Novel - CraveBooks

The Two Presidents: An Alt-History Novel

By Joseph E Boro V

$5.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Join Fredrick Mason, as he is thrust back in time to the 1930s, where he must grapple with changes his presence causes. As an advisor to FDR, Mason grapples with the moral imperative to alter history for the better. With a deep sense of duty and a desire to prevent the tragedies of the past, he becomes embroiled in a dangerous game of politics and manipulation. But when his attempts to change the course of history lead to unforeseen consequences, Mason must confront the weight of his decisions and navigate the turbulent waters of power.
Digital Books


Book Length: 150-320 Pages

Joseph E Boro V

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