Buried Justice - CraveBooks

Buried Justice

By Jacie Middlemann

$3.50 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Highlands Lake is a small town…but even there where the most reliable news can be found in the local bakery and friendships last a lifetime…there are those who choose to live outside the rules…
Jonathan Delamarck takes his job seriously. As such, murder investigations typically slide to the top of his priority list whether they took place in the last twenty-four hours or sometime in the last two hundred years. He believed that justice began with identifying the individual who was responsible. And that was exactly what he planned to do.

Have you ever said something you really wish you hadn’t?

Catherine Wittiken is learning that even what is said in jest…tossed out in a moment of levity…can have real consequences.

Her only intention was to get a few laughs…not a few votes…or worse than that…more than a few votes.

But that is exactly what happened.

And in an instant…a single moment…her life changed…

Accidental Mayor series
Rubicon Moment
Buried Justice


Book Length: 150-320 Pages


Jacie Middlemann

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