From Broken To Beautiful : How to be Calm, Happy a... - CraveBooks

From Broken To Beautiful : How to be Calm, Happy and Slim in 3 Easy Steps (The Secret to Being Calm and Happy Book 1)

By Chenelle Lee Hitchcock

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Need to recover from burnout and feeling broken—without giving up on your life? Looking to discover how to feel more calm, happy and slim? Wishing you could lose weight, feel well and get your energy back?

The solution is to learn the skill of creating behaviour patterns, that ensure you make yourself a priority, so you decrease your stress, recover from burnout and lose weight. And that’s why you should read From Broken To Beautiful - How To Be Calm, Happy and Slim.

From Broken To Beautiful - How To Be Calm, Happy and Slim has proven strategies
that Certified HeartMath® Trainer, educator, stress coach, and author
Chenelle Lee Hitchcock has used to help herself and countless others, to
recover from burnout. You’ll learn easy-to-follow strategies to
reconnect you with the calm, happy, and slim person you deserve to be.

Here’s what you will discover in From Broken To Beautiful - How To Be Calm, Happy and Slim.

  • Learn
    the real, and surprising causes of burnout or Adrenal Fatigue—that will
    equip you with the knowledge to make real and lasting changes.
  • The recommended blood tests to have, if you have fatigue that just won’t go away and is not improved with sleep or rest.
  • Discover the proven strategies to recover from burnout or Adrenal Fatigue—including:
    the solution to sound sleep, the right type of exercise, the right type
    of foods to eat and when to eat, the sign you’re in a toxic
    relationship and how to stop worry and automatic negative thoughts.
  • How to say No to things that you don’t want to do—so you decrease your stress, and make yourself a priority in your life.
  • Chenelle’s
    process for creating a vision for your life —so you have a road map
    that clearly identifies the things you need to do, to be calm, happy and

You will also learn:

  • A
    simple meditation —so you sleep better, look younger, improve your
    brain function, reduce your anxiety, blood pressure, and feel calm.

  • How to identify your top values or hierarchy of values—so you honour what’s most important to you, and do the things you love.

  • A Powerful three-minute visualization—so you start to value your time, energy, and health.

  • Learn
    simple mindfulness strategies—so you exist in the now or the present
    moment, and enjoy feeling more calm, happy and focused.

From Broken To Beautiful - How To Be Calm, Happy and Slim is
a deeply transformational guidebook to help you take control of your
life. If you like far-reaching strategies, well-researched and proven
tactics, and heartfelt support, then you’ll love Chenelle Lee
Hitchcock’s motivational wake-up call.

So take the next step in your journey to optimum health and living the life of your dreams, and get your copy today!!!

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Paperback Books



Book Length: 60-150 Pages