What an Heiress Wants - CraveBooks

What an Heiress Wants

By Gemma Blackwood

$3.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Lady Isobel Balfour desperately needs a make-believe suitor. Luckily, her best friend's brother is charming, eligible, and ready for anything... As long as she doesn't uncover his secrets.

It’s no small task to juggle an illicit career, a troublesome maiden aunt, and a plot for wreaking vengeance on the cad who toyed with her heart. So Isobel has chosen the perfect partner in crime: Mr Lucius Whitby, the elder brother of her dearest friend.

Lucius is exactly the sort of gentleman that girls like Isobel are supposed to fall in love with: wealthy and flirtatious, with a devilish grin and eyes like a storm-tossed sky. In other words, he'll make Isobel’s one-time love weep tears of jealousy. Behold, the perfect revenge!

As for Lucius's own motives for pretending to woo an heiress? He's made it clear Isobel is not to ask. And clearer still that their imaginary romance will not, under any circumstances, become real.

So if his touch makes her tremble - if their secret meetings fill her heart with music - if she aches with longing for one more kiss, that’s a small price to pay for her revenge. Isn’t it?

Because they’re not really in love. Of course they’re not.

True love at a time like this would ruin everything.


Book Length: 150-320 Pages


Gemma Blackwood

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