Promise - CraveBooks


By Kim Cleary

$2.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

My wallet says I'm Ethan Davies. It's a lie.

 Waking with a hangover is bad. Waking on the mortal world and with a strange name in my wallet is awkward. Looks like I’m stuck here, without powers, and nope, not impressed. My Goddess threatened punishment the next time I slipped up. I guess this is it. I will have to grovel to Danu to go home, that is when she decides my penance is done. 

 Danu wants an apology, and she will get one. Eventually.

 Meeting Kitty changes everything. Brave, beautiful and intriguing, she is a clever mechanic caught in the middle of a vicious turf war that's nothing to do with her. I can't live forever on the mortal world, but that apology that will get me home? I can't say it.

Not if it means abandoning the woman who has roused my long-withered soul to life.

Digital Books


Book Length: 150-320 Pages