The Love Words - CraveBooks

The Love Words

By Amy Alves

$4.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

She was my nemesis in high school. Or maybe I was hers.
Chloe's back in town and hell-bent on putting me in my place. If she only knew what her salty glares, pointed jabs, and biting remarks do to me—how deeply they make me crave her attention. 
I met Chloe during one of the worst times of my life and she called me out as the troublemaking jerk I was. And after eight years, she still hates me.
But when my daughter becomes involved, a truce is formed.
Hot, needy glances slowly replace scathing glares.
Still, I don’t dare hope for more.
Even if everything inside me is aching to explore her, possess her—I can’t. Because I know she would want it all. She’d want what I’ve never given to any woman before her.
She’d want all my love words.


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 320-650 Pages