DBT Skills Workbook for Teens: A Fun and Highly Re... - CraveBooks

DBT Skills Workbook for Teens: A Fun and Highly Relatable Workbook for Teens to Manage Difficult Emotions, Cope with Teen Stress & Create Better Friendships

By Ava Walters

$9.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)
Do You Have a Teenager?

Adolescence is already difficult because it is marked by so much change. So, imagine how challenging life must be for your teen today, who likely also has to deal with stress, anxiety, bullying, academic problems, body image issues, peer pressure, depression, gadget addiction, information overload, and more.

Your teenager is exposed and vulnerable in the world in ways you have never been. So, how can you help them?

DBT Skills Workbook for Teens is an enjoyable, engaging, and game-based way to teach young adults valuable life skills to help make their journey to adulthood smoother and less problematic.

In this book, teens participate in easy-to-do and game-like exercises that make learning important life skills fun and rewarding.

Here are just some of the benefits your teen will learn:
• Deal with stress in a healthy way at school and at home.
• Reduce mood swings.
• Cope with problems without making things worse.
• Better communication skills so they can say what they want or don't want in a clear and polite way, and avoid misunderstandings.
• Develop mindfulness to increase focus and awareness.
• Calm down and cope with intense emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, disappointment, loneliness, jealousy, rejection, etc.
• NOT to act on emotion-driven urges or impulses. (Think before they act.)
• Cope with modern-day problems like cyberbullying, social media addiction, on-screen violence, etc.
• Develop problem-solving skills.
• Discover how to find friends and develop great friendships.
• Learn how to be mentally and emotionally strong.

What is DBT, and why is it great for teens?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a technique developed in the 1980s by Dr. Marsha Linehan, who personally went through very difficult teenage years. Since then, DBT has helped millions of teenagers cope with stress, anxiety, anger, depression, low self-esteem, and other difficult emotions.

Will this book appeal to my teen?
You bet! To ensure that teens will actually read this skills workbook, we made it fun, engaging, and game-like! We also put a lot of time and effort into the graphics used in the book to make it appealing and engaging to teens. Oh, did we mention that they will be asked to go on a QUEST?

What quest? (Glad you asked.)
Teens will be asked to rescue someone in the book. To achieve this, they must go on a special quest to retrieve four keystones. Don't worry; they won't be left alone and will receive help during their journey. (We don't want to give away too much but let's just say that wizards are involved.)

By the time your teen has finished the quest, they've learned valuable life skills they can use for the rest of their life.

Paperback Books




FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 320-650 Pages

Ava Walters