BLOOD RUN - CraveBooks


By Charlotte Raine

$0.99 (Please be sure to check book prices before buying as prices are subject to change)

Liam Westfield, incumbent leader of the Blood Lust Brothers, is still trying to track down his father’s killer while navigating the difficulties of taking over a gang of vampires.

When the rival gang begins forcing their way onto the Blood Lust Brothers' territory, it becomes a test for how Liam will deal with the direction of the gang. Now, with his brother, August, attempting to overthrow him, unknown allies of his

father’s killer surfacing, and his love life suffering on the sidelines, Liam will find that no matter how fast he can run or how strong he is, someone will end up getting hurt…or die.

(BOOK NOTES: This book includes sex, drugs, violence, organized crime and ends with a cliff hanger.)


FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Book Length: 60-150 Pages