
Humor Quotes

Quotes that give you a laugh and make you smile come under Humor Quotes. Humor really is our saving grace, and it helps keep us psychologically healthy. These quotes will help you to deal with the stress and all-day frustration. If you are looking for the list of best Humor quotes, Visit Crave Books.

Remember, we're madly in love, so it's all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it
The problem with having a sense of humor is often that people you use it on aren't in a very good mood.
I think there's always room for humor, especially when you're talking about really serious issues.
You can defeat fear through humor, through pain, through honesty, bravery, intuition, and through love in the truest sense.
Sometimes in the most tragic situation, something just profoundly funny happens.
It's like learning to ride a unicorn. You never forget
Whatever else an American believes or disbelieves about himself, he is absolutely sure he has a sense of humor.
The human body is the best work of art
If you are a small company taking on a big company, you need to have a sense of humor.
I think God has a tremendous sense of humor.
Somebody just gave me a shower radio. Thanks a lot. Do you really want music in the shower? I guess there's no better place to dance than a slick surface next to a glass door
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff