
Philosophy Quotes

Philosophy is the study or creation of theories about basic things such as the nature of existence, knowledge, and thought, or about how people should live. This is one of the best categories in which people love to read quotes. If you are also looking for some quotes on nature, knowledge, or a specific thought, you should read these quotes on Crave Books.

Philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes.
By daily dying, I have come to be.
The map is not the territory.
What does mysticism really mean? It means the way to attain knowledge. It's close to philosophy, except in philosophy you go horizontally while in mysticism you go vertically.
Philosophy begins in wonder. And, at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best, the wonder remains.
Metaphysics is a dark ocean without shores or lighthouse, strewn with many a philosophic wreck.
It was the greatest sensation of existence: not to trust but to know.
There are more things to alarm us than to harm us, and we suffer more often in apprehension than reality.
What is at issue is the conversion of the mind from the twilight of error to the truth, that climb up into the real world which we shall call true philosophy.
You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts.
Philosophy when superficially studied, excites doubt, when thoroughly explored, it dispels it.
Philosophy will clip an angel's wings, Conquer all mysteries by rule and line, Empty the haunted air, and gnomed mine - Unweave a rainbow.