Power Up Your Book Marketing With Our Next Book Ninja Summit

Power Up Your Book Marketing With Our Next Book Ninja Summit

The landscape of book marketing is ceaselessly changing, and at CraveBooks, our mission is to make book promotions and marketing as easy as possible for authors, including with our Book Ninja Summit. The next one is coming soon – September 7. You don’t want to miss out on the knowledge and wisdom our experts have to share!

In the fourth virtual Book Ninja Summit, spend the day with industry experts and other authors while growing your knowledge and understanding of book marketing. In this Summit, you can:

  • Discover how to execute a successful Kickstarter campaign with best-selling author and author coach Paddy Finn.
  • Learn specific how-to steps for setting up and running profitable Facebook ads with best-selling author and marketing expert Malorie Cooper.
  • Strengthen your online book marketing strategy with author, consultant, and writing instructor Kerrie Flanagan.
  • Explore buyer psychology and the subtle art of persuasion from author and copywriting expert Brett Stephan.

Plus, bring your questions to our Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with Kerrie Flanagan, Brett Stephan, and best-selling and award-winning author Kristie Cook.

Being an author and running a self-publishing business can often feel lonely, but you don’t have to do it alone when you have access to a powerful network of others in the trenches with you. Our Book Ninja Summits bring together authors of all levels, from newbie to long-time experts, to teach, learn, and discuss book marketing and business success. If you haven’t attended one in the past, here’s what other authors have said:

“You and your (CraveBooks) team have put together amazing, high-quality, fantastic speakers, and all extremely relevant! I would attend any that you put together in the future… I am so inspired and more motivated,” writes Jennifer, an attendee at the February 2024 Book Ninja Summit.

Kasia, an author attendee at the May 2024 Summit, says, “I took so many notes and I can’t wait to start implementing this weekend. I can’t wait for the next one.”

This next Summit is shaping up to be just as fantastic – if not more. Our experts aren’t just speakers and motivators, but they’re also on-the-ground authors with proven and immensely successful experience marketing and selling their own books as well as bringing results to other authors. Whether you’re new to the business or have been doing this for a long time, you’ll glean useful nuggets of information to put to use immediately.

Join the next Book Ninja Summit for book marketing strategies and tips

Book marketing can be challenging, but with CraveBooks and the expertise of the Book Ninja Summit speakers, you can become a master. You will come away from this Fall’s Summit with actionable steps to take for your business right away, as well as new connections with other authors. There’s time for Q&A with the speakers, as well as the Ask Me Anything panel at the end to ensure your book marketing questions are answered.

Don’t miss out – sign up today!

Platinum members of CraveBooks, your admission is free – just be sure to reserve your seat. Also, members can buy some of the videos from previous Summits, so if you’ve missed one in the past or there’s a specific topic you want to recap – or you’re super excited about this next Summit and you want to start learning now – check out the Book Ninja Summit tab in your author dashboard.

Not a CraveBooks author member yet? Now’s a good time to join! CraveBooks has so much to offer for your book marketing strategy and your special book promotions. We’re more than just a promo email company. Check out the member benefits here.

If you’re a publisher, publicist, or provide supportive services to authors and publishers, get your name and offerings in front of hundreds of authors who are hyper-focused on improving their business. Whether you offer book editing, publishing support, graphics and design, book marketing services, or anything else publishing-related, consider sponsoring Book Ninja Summit with these fantastic packages.

We can’t wait for the next Book Ninja Summit! We hope to see you there!

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