
James Herbert Harrison

Member Since: 07/2023


James Herbert Harrison, a native of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, became a small businessman at age twenty one. Selling the business in 1984, James relocated to Chicago to begin a successful career in industrial and equipment and software sales. His first venture into writing was the 2011 novel, Quest For Power, to be re-published as The Programmer and released in early 2024.

James became inspired to write Miracle From Ukraine, based largely on actual events that occurred in pre-war eastern Ukraine over the winter and spring of 2005-2006, always of the belief that divine intervention had played a role in the bizarre circumstances and series of events that led to his proposing marriage, after meeting his spouse just six days earlier (while using translation software!).

James resides currently in Olathe, Kansas with his wife Maryna and teenage son, Steven, and the family are members of Lenexa Baptist Church. James also has three older children, Kim, Aaron, and Billy. They enjoy the outdoors and spend much of their leisure time on the lake, while James is also an avid lifelong motorsports fan, a passion which has been the impetus behind a planned future work, The Racer.